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Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo después de Pentecostés

St. Athanasius Church, Echo Park 840 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles

Únase a nosotros para la Eucaristía y la hora social después del servicio. El Rdo. John Watson, Sacerdote a cargo. No lo olvides: se acaba el horario de verano. Atrasa tus relojes 1 hora.

Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

St. Athanasius Church, Echo Park 840 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles

All Saints Sunday celebration will begin in the church and move to the Lazarus Chapel. The celebration continues with food and social hour after the service. The Rev. John Watson, Priest-in-Charge. Don't forget: Daylight Savings ends. Set your clocks back 1 hour.